Love in my After-Sun Skin


Burn Cream-2 oz

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Love in my After-Sun is formulated with key ingredients to nourish and relieve the face and body after being in the sun. Apply to damaged/sun burnt skin

Contents: Coffee Butter, Shea butter, Foraho(Calophyllum inophyllum), Aloe Gel, Sole, Lavender (Lavandula anguvstifolia), Chamomile (Matricaria chemomilla), Bergamont(citrus bergaria), Geranium(pelargonium graveolens)

Coffee butter- Hydrates, Smooth and brightens skin because of the antioxidants in coffee butter.
Shea Butter- Moisturizing, Ease Burn, Stimulates collagen
Foraho- Relieves burn, promotes new tissue, Heals Wounds
Aloe Gel- Calms skin, Hydrates
Lavender-Burn and skin repair
Chamomile- Helps with scar tissue
Geranium- Regenerates and heals skin

Allergic to certain ingredients? No Problem! Karolyn can create for you a special blend. Call for more details.